Climate Change Conference


2nd International Conference on

Climate Change - The environmental and socio-economic response

in the Southern Baltic region

Szczecin, Poland, 12-15 May 2014



SUNDAY, 11 May 2014

16:00 - 20:00 Registration at the Conference Venue

19:00 Ice Breaker at the Conference Venue


MONDAY, 12 May 2014

09:00 - 10:15 Registration at the Conference Venue

10:30 Opening Ceremony

Inaugural addresses

Olgierd Geblewicz, Marshal of the Province of Western Pomerania

Piotr Krzystek, Mayor of the City of Szczecin

Artu Bejger, Rector of the Szczecin Maritime Academy

Edward Włodarczyk, Rector of the University of Szczecin

Opening Lectures

11:30 Late Pleistocene climate change and its impact on palaeogeography of the southern Baltic Sea region

Leszek Marks, University of Warsaw, Department of Climate Geology and Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warsaw

12:00 Copernicus dilemma and contemporary science

Karol Piasecki, University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities

12:30 Lunch

Session A: Reconstructions of palaeo-environmental change: Geological proxies and numerical modelling

14:00 Keynote Lecture

Linking terrestrial and marine ecosystems: Holocene land-cover changes and their effect on terrestrial carbon pools and coastal ecosystems along the Swedish Baltic coast

Anneli Poska, Nielsen A.B., Björk S., Broström A., Filipsson H.L., Ghosh A., Khan M., Ning W., Åkesson C., Conley D.J.

14:30 Disentangling influences on varve preservation in a 1200-year record of partially varved sediments from Lake Tiefer See (NE Germany) – A multiproxy approach

Nadine Dräger, Theuerkauf M., Hübener T., Wulf S., Kienel U., Slowinski M., Plessen B., Dulski P., Schedel R., Ott F., Lorenz S., Brauer A.

14:50 Paleogeographiс investigations in the Kaliningrad region, Russia

Yuriy Kublitskiy, Subetto D., Arslanov K., Druzinina O., Skhodnov I.

15:10 The development of lake sedimentation since Older Dryas in Belarus

Aliaksei Novik

15:30 Late Glacial to Holocene environmental changes with special reference to salinity reconstructed from shallow water lagoon sediments of the southern Baltic Sea coast

Sławomir Dobosz, Seddon A., Witkowski A., Kierzek A., Cedro B.

15:50 Break

Session C: Natural dynamics of the coastal zone and the socio-economic response from prehistoric to recent times

16:20 Keynote Lecture

Simulation of the historical ecosystem state as a reference according to the Water Framework Directive

Rene Friedland, Schernewski G., Neumann T.

16:50 The dynamics of the coastline of the Eastern Gulf of Finland: the natural processes and human activities on the natural disasters prevention

Petr Leontev

17:10 Determination of the snow melting intensity in nowadays climate conditions by example of the Neman river basin

Alexander Volchak, Kostiuk D., Petrov D., Sheshko N.

17:30 A comparison of selected River-mouth systems – zones of interference between terrestrial, marine and anthropogenic impacts

Jan Harff, Deng J., Osadczuk A,, Tang C,, Witkowski A., Wu J., Xia Z.

17:50 Closing for the day

19:30 Evening Lecture

"Energiewende" in Germany - Issues and problems

Friedrich Wagner, Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Greifswald


TUESDAY, 13 May 2014

Session D: Climate change and regional planning

9:00 Keynote Lecture

Effects of climate change on atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the Baltic Sea

Jerzy Bartnicki, Simpson D.

9:30 Future Wave Climate Projections at the German Baltic Sea Coast on the Basisnf the Regional Climate Model Cosmo-CLM

Norman Dreier, Schlamkow C., Fröhle P., Salecker D.

9:50 Comparison of the December 2013 storm surge with long-term severe storm events at the Pomeranian Bay coast (the southern Baltic Sea)

Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Marks R.

10:10 Influence of climate change on urban surface runoff pollution in the city of Brest, Belarus

Ina Bulskaya, Volchek A.

10:30 Break

11:00 Oral poster presentations

1 slide, max. 1 min per poster

11:45 Poster session

13:00 Lunch

Session D cont. Climate change and regional planning

14:00 Keynote Lecture

How reliable are selected methods of projections of future thermal conditions? A case from Poland

Joanna Wibig

14:30 Application of hydrodynamic model of the Baltic Sea to the December 2013 storm surge representation along the Polish Baltic coast

Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska, Kowalewski M.

14:50 Frequencies of cyclones with different origin within the territory of Belarus and their impact to hydrometeorological conditions

Irina Partasenok, Melnik V., Chekan R.

15:10 Influence of climate change on water resources in Belarus

Alexander Volchak, Parfomuk S.

15:30 Break

16:00 The violent mid latitude storm hitting Northern Germany and Denmark, 26 October 2013

Hans von Storch, Feser F., Lefebvre C., Stendel M.

16:20 Interrelation between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and then Discharges of 50 Rivers Located at the Baltic Sea Drainage Basin: A Statistical Sensing Analysis

Ali B.Mahmood, Marks R.

16:40 Effects of land management regulations and measures on nitrogen leaching in the German Baltic Sea catchment

A. Wagner, Heidecke C., Kreins P., Venohr M.

17:00 Closing for the day

19:30 Conference Dinner


WEDNESDAY, 14 May 2014

Session E: Changing Baltic Sea coasts and their sustainable protection

9:00 Keynote Lecture

Effectiveness of Coastal and Flood Protection Structures in a Changing Climate

Peter Fröhle

9:30 Effect of climate change on ice regime of lagoons of the southern and eastern Baltic Sea

Inga Dailidienė, Baudler H., Rukšėnienė V.

9:50 A method for estimating coastline recession due to sea level rise by assuming stationary wind-wave climate

Junjie Deng, Harff J., Schimanke S., Meier H.E.M.

10:10 Extreme short-term aeolian accumulation on foredunes of west Polish coast caused by hurricane Xavier on December 2013

Tomasz Łabuz

10:30 Break

11:00 Highly persisting patch formation areas in the Gulf of Finland, the Baltic Sea

Andrea Giudici, Soomere T.

11:20 Subaerial beach volume change and sea level rise on decadal time scale in he Lithuanian coasts of the Baltic Sea

Darius Jarmalavičius, Kriaučiūnienė J., Žilinskas G., Pupienis D.

11:40 On spatio-temporal variations of the wave energy potential along the eastern Baltic Sea coast

Maris Eelsalu, Soomere T.

12:00 Lunch

Copernicus Symposium

13:00 Nicolaus Copernicus – 500 years of experimental science

Roman Marks, Szczecin University, Poland

13:30 Was uns der Augenschein, die Physik und die Bibel lehren - Ein Plädoyer für das geozentrische Weltbild

What intuition, physics and the bible tell us – A plea for the geocentric world view (lecture given in German)

Jürgen Hamel, Archenhold-Sternwarte, Berlin, Germany

14:00 Climate change and variability in Poland from Copernicus‘s time to present

Rajmund Przybylak, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland

14:30 Break

14:50 Final discussion and concluding remarks

16:00 Closing for the day


THURSDAY, 15 May 2014

All day excursion