

Open Days of European Funds, 19.05.2016, Szczecin, Poland

At the workshop we will present presentation:

What squeaks in the Baltic Sea




 11th Central European Diatom Meeting, 22-25.03.2017, Praga, Czech Republic

Mid to late Holocene history of long-term and episodic marine environmental changes of the southern baltic sea reflected in the diatom record from Gulf of Gdansk sediment cores

A. Kaniak, M. Bąk, M. Adamczyk, A. Witkowski, J. Sławińska M. Moros




Sciences Day, 20.09.2015, Szczecin, Poland

At the workshop we will present presentation:

Baltic Sea history and climate change




International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP) 12, 29.08-2.09.2016, Utrecht, Netherlands

 Reconstructiong Holocene temperature changes in the Skagerrak area

B. Risebrobakken, I. Polovodova Asteman, A. Binczewska,  M. Moros, J. Sławinska, A. Tisserand, E. Jansen

Determining changes in the Baltic Sea outflow during the late Holocene based on organic carbon, stable carbon isotopes and benthic foraminifera

 I. Polovodova Asteman, B. Risebrobakken, M. Moros, A. Binczewska, S. Dobosz, E. Jansen, J. Sławinska




Agglutinated Foraminifera - their taxonomy, (paleo)ecology biostratigraphy and their applications for sequence stratigraphy, 18-22.07.2016, Kraków, Poland

Agglutinated foraminifera in the Central Baltic Sea

A. Binczewska




1st Baltic Earth Conference, 13-17.06.2016, Nida, Lithuania

 Reconstruction of climate and environmental changes in the Bornholm Basin during the last 6000 years, based on foraminiferal assemblages

A.  Binczewska, I. Polovodova Asteman, M. Moros, J. Sławińska

Stratigraphical records – sedimentology and geochemistry of marine deposits from Bornholm and Gdansk Basins

J. Sławinska, R. Borówka, M. Moros, A. Binczewska, M. Bąk




The British Micropaleontological Society (TMS) Foraminiferal and Nannofossil Joint spring group Meeting, 19-24.06.2016, Angers, France

Determining changes in the Baltic Sea outflow based on foraminifera, TOC, diatoms and carbon stable isotopes

I. Polovodova Asteman,  B. Risebrobakken, M. Moros, A. Binczewska, S. Dobosz, E. Jansen, J. Sławinska




XXXV International Conference of Polish Phycological Society, 1-4.06.2016, Łódź, Poland

Mid- to late Holocene history of long-term marine environmental changes of the Southwestern Baltic Sea reflected in the diatom record from Bornholm Basin sediment cores

A. Kaniak, M. Adamczyk, J. Sławińska, A. Binczewska, M. Moros, M. Bąk




Geological processes in the sea coast zone – GEOST II, Jastrzębia Góra, 31.05-2.06.2016, Jastrzębia Góra, Poland

Reconstruction of environmental and climatic changes in the Bornholm Basin in the Holocene, using the composition of foraminifera

A. Binczewska, I. Polovodova Asteman, M. Moros, J. Sławińska, M. Bąk




Open Days of European Funds, 19.05.2016, Szczecin, Poland

At the workshop we will present presentation:

What squeaks in the Baltic Sea




 12th International Conference Methods of absolute chronology, 11-13.05.2016, Gliwice-Paniówki, Poland

Problems with gravity and multi cores of marine sediments correlation – on the example cores: EMB046/6 Norwegian Trench and M86/24 Bornholm Basin

J. Sławińska, R. Borówka, M. Moros, N. Berlińska




Geographer Day, 22.04.2016, Szczecin, Poland

At the workshop we will present presentation:

Reconstruction of climate change of the Baltic Sea on the basis of microfossils




EGU General Assembly 2016, 17-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria

Reconstruction of climate and environmental changes in the Bornholm Basin during the last 6000 years, based on foraminiferal assemblages

A. Binczewska, I. Polovodova Asteman, M. Moros, J. Sławińska




The National Center for Research and Development Conference: Climate & Environment, 19-20.10.2015,  Sopot, Poland

Climate forcing factors for marine environmental change during the mid- and late Holocene – a link between the eastern Atlantic and the Baltic Sea

M. Bąk, I. Polovodova Asteman




International advanced PhD course on Impact of climate change on the marine environment with special focus on the role of changing extremes, 23-30.08.2015, Trosa, Sweden

Results from Bornholm Basin gravity core

A. Binczewska




Sciences Day, 21.09.2015, Szczecin, Poland

At the workshop we will present presentation:

Baltic Sea history and climate change




Workshop "8th course of International School on Foraminifer", 3-22.06.2015, Urbino, Italy

 Reconstruction of climate and environmental changes in the Baltic Sea and the Skagerrak during the last 6000 years, based on microfossil proxies- foraminifera

 A. Binczewska, I. Polovodova Asteman, M. Moros, J. Sławińska




Conference "10th Baltic Sea Science Congress”, June 15-19 2015, Riga, Latvia

At the conferenc we will present poster:

ClimLink: Climate forcing factors for marine environmental change during the mid- and late Holocene – a link between the eastern Atlantic and the Baltic Sea

M. Bąk, A. Binczewska, R. Borówka, S. Dobosz, E. Jansen, A. Kaniak, M. Moros, I. Polovodova Asteman, B. Risebrobakken, J. Sławińska




Conference "XXXIV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Polskiego Towarzystwa Fykologicznego", May 18-21 2015, Rzeszów/Polańczyk, Poland

Posters presented:

Determining diatom io and ioj indices: can we reduce the counting sum and still obtain correct results?

Bąk M., Adamczyk M., Kryk A.

Diatom assemblages in sediment from the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea – the preliminary results of gravity core, multicore and surface samples analyses

Kaniak A., Dobosz S. Adamczyk M., Sławińska J., Bąk M.




Geographer Day, 21.04.2015, Szczecin, Poland

At the workshop we will present presentation:

What was the climate thousands years ago? Micro-detective investigation




Conference "9th Central European Diatom Meeting", March 10-13 2015, Bremerhaven, Germany

At the conference we presented poster:

Comments to the methodology of preparing microscopic slides of diatoms from Bornholm Basin sediments

by Aleksandra Kaniak et al.




Geographer day

What was the climate thousands years ago? Micro-investigation detective for the youngest students




Conference "European Geosciences Union" April 12 - 17, 2015, Vienna, Austria

At the conference we presented:

Climate forcing factors for marine environmental change during the mid- and late Holocene - a link between the NE Atlantic and the Baltic Sea.

by Irina Polovodova Asteman et al.




Workshop in Bergen 3-4.02.2015




Conference “The 12th Colloquium on Baltic Sea Marine Geology” September 8 – 12, 2014

 At the conference we presented two posters:

1. Climate forcing factors for marine environmental change during the mid and late Holocene - a link between the eastern Atlantic and the Baltic Sea- main view of the project.

A.Binczewska, M. Bąk, R. Borówka, S. Dobosz, E. Jansen, A. Kaniak, M. Moros, K.Perner, I. Polovodova, B. Risebrobakken, K. Schellenberg, J. Sławińska, M. Wroniecki


2. Selection of key-sites for paleo-environmental studies in the Norwegian Trench / Skagerrak and western Baltic Sea areas within the frame of ClimLink project

J. Slawińska, M. Moros, K. Schellenberg, K. Perner, J. Tomkowiak, A.Binczewska, M. Bąk, R. Borówka, S. Dobosz, E. Jansen, A. Kaniak, I. Polovodova, B. Risebrobakken, M. Wroniecki

 poster projectposter gchem